• Select SUBJECT of interest from main top menu.
• Select TOPIC + SUBTOPIC within the subject.


• Knowing the entire lease template used for BCN rentals.



Abogados Para Todos.
1. Lease template.
See abogadosparatodos.net/alquiler/documentos-alquiler/contratos-de.

Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU).
1. Lease template.
See ocu.org/vivienda-y-energia/comprar-vender-alquilar/modelos/contrato.

Seguro Corazon.
1. Renters insurance.
See segurcorazon.com/blog/clausulas-contratos-de-alquiler.

1. ITP.
See idealista.com/en/news/legal-advice-spain/2018/03/09/2416-itp-what-it.

Sh Barcelona Agency.
1. ITP paid within 30 days by tenant.
See shbarcelona.com/blog/en/information-rent-barcelona.
2. ITP explanation.
See shbarcelona.com/blog/en/what-is-itp.



(This document directly copies the template provided by abogadosparatodos.net. Any information filled in or changed is in bold text. Every page must be signed)


PAGE 1 OF 10.


a (día)
de (mes)


De una parte,
August Heinrici,
mayor de edad, con DNI
y con domicilio a efecto de notificaciones en la ciudad de
Calle Venezuela 51 Bis, Puerta A, Barcelona 08019

De otra parte,
mayor de edad, con DNI
y con domicilio a efecto de notificaciones en la ciudad de

mayor de edad, con DNI
y con domicilio a efecto de notificaciones en la ciudad de

mayor de edad, con DNI
y con domicilio a efecto de notificaciones en la ciudad de


August Heinrici,
en su propio nombre y derecho, como parte arrendadora.

en su propio nombre y derecho, como parte arrendataria.

Reconociéndose ambas partes capacidad legal suficiente para el otorgamiento del presente contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda.


on (day)
of (month)


On the one hand,
August Heinrici,
of legal age, with DNI
and with address for the purpose of notifications in the city of
(street address)
Calle Venezuela 51 Bis, Puerta A, Barcelona 08019.

On the other hand,
of legal age, with DNI
and with address for the purpose of notifications in the city of
(street address)

of legal age, with DNI
and with address for the purpose of notifications in the city of
(street address)

of legal age, with DNI
and with address for the purpose of notifications in the city of
(street address)


August Heinrici,
in his own name and right, as part lessor.

in their own names and rights, as lessees.

Acknowledging that both parties have sufficient legal capacity for the granting of this housing lease.


PAGE 2 OF 10.


Que la parte arrendadora es propietaria en pleno dominio de una vivienda ubicada en la
de la ciudad de
cuya superficie y composición así como demás características son perfectamente conocidas por los intervinientes.

Se adjunta como anexo I al presente contrato, fotocopia del Certificado de eficiencia energética.

Que interesando a la parte arrendataria tomar en arrendamiento la vivienda descrita en el expositivo primero (en adelante, “el inmueble”) y, estando la parte arrendadora interesada en arrendárselo, ésta lo ofrece y aquella lo acepta, y ambas partes convienen en celebrar el presente contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda regido por las siguientes.



Por medio del presente contrato, la parte arrendadora arrienda a la parte arrendataria el inmueble, quien lo acepta en las condiciones pactadas en este documento.

El inmueble se arrienda como cuerpo cierto, por lo que la posible discrepancia entre la superficie real y la que se hubiera establecido en este contrato no afectará en más o en menos a la renta fijada en este documento.

La parte arrendataria se obliga a utilizar el inmueble arrendado como vivienda habitual propia y de su familia, no pudiéndose variar dicho uso sin consentimiento escrito de la parte arrendadora. El incumplimiento de este precepto será motivo de resolución del contrato.

La vivienda se pone a disposición de la parte arrendataria en el momento de la firma del presente contrato, manifestando ésta conocer el estado de la vivienda y recibirla en un estado adecuado al fin al que se destina.


El arrendamiento se pacta por un plazo inicial de 18 MESES. Llegado el día del vencimiento de dicho plazo, éste se prorrogará por plazos anuales hasta cumplir en total el contrato un máximo de CINCO AÑOS, salvo que el arrendatario manifieste al arrendador, con 60 días de antelación como mínimo a la fecha de terminación del plazo inicial o de cualquiera de las prórrogas, su voluntad de no renovarlo. Si la voluntad de dar por terminado el contrato por parte del arrendatario se produce en la prórroga que termina en el quinto año de contrato, el preaviso no será de un mes sino de dos.


That the lessor is the owner in full possession of a house located at

in the city of
whose surface and composition as well as other characteristics are perfectly known to the parties involved.

A photocopy of the Energy Efficiency Certificate is attached as Annex I to this contract.

That the lessee is interested in leasing the property described in the first statement (hereinafter, "the property") and, being the lessor interested in leasing it, he offers it and the latter accepts it, and both parties agree when entering into this housing lease agreement governed by the following.



By means of this contract, the lessor leases the building to the lessee, who accepts it under the conditions agreed in this document.

The property is leased as cuerpo cierto, so the possible discrepancy between the actual surface area and the one that had been established in this contract will not affect the rent fixed in this document more or less.

The lessee undertakes to use the leased property as his and his family's habitual residence, not being able to vary said use without the lessor's written consent. Failure to comply with this provision will be grounds for termination of the contract.

The house is made available to the lessee at the time of signing this contract, showing that he knows the state of the house and receives it in a state suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.


The lease is agreed for an initial term of 18 MONTHS. On the expiration day of said term, it will be extended by annual terms until the contract is fully fulfilled for a maximum of FIVE YEARS, unless the lessee notifies the lessor, at least 60 days in advance of the end date of the initial term. or of any of the extensions, his will not to renew it. If the will to terminate the contract by the lessee occurs in the extension that ends in the fifth year of the contract, the notice will not be one month but two.


PAGE 3 OF 10.

A tenor de lo dispuesto en el artículo 11 de la Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos, el arrendatario podrá desistir del contrato, una vez que hayan transcurrido al menos seis meses de arrendamiento y siempre que lo comunique al arrendador con un mínimo de 60 días. Llegado ese caso, el arrendatario indemnizará al arrendador con una cantidad equivalente a 2 mensualidades de la renta en vigor por cada anualidad de contrato que reste por cumplir, prorrateándose los periodos inferiores al año e indemnizando en proporción al prorrateo resultante.

Se hace constar de forma expresa que si tras el primer año de duración del contrato el arrendador tiene necesidad de ocupar la vivienda antes del transcurso de cinco años para destinarla a vivienda permanente para sí o sus familiares en primer grado de consanguinidad o por adopción o para su conyuge en los supuestos de sentencia firme de separación, divorcio o nulidad matrimonial, podrá el arrendador hacer uso de la capacidad que le concede el párrafo primero del artículo 9.3 de la ley de arrendamientos urbanos, en el sentido de que podrá impedir que se prorrogue obligatoriamente el contrato. Y ello siempre y cuando el arrendador cumpla con el requisito de notificar al arrendatario la causa o causas que motivan su petición de no prórroga obligatoria y siempre que tal notificación se realice con, al menos, dos meses de antelación a la fecha en la que la vivienda se vaya a necesitar.


Alcanzado el QUINTO AÑO de duración, el contrato se prorrogará obligatoriamente por plazos anuales hasta un máximo de TRES AÑOS MÁS si ninguna de las partes hubiese notificado a la otra su voluntad de no renovarlo dentro de los siguientes plazos:

a) Si fuere el arrendador quien manifieste dicha voluntad, deberá notificarlo al arrendatario al menos 2 MESES ANTES de que el contrato cumpla cinco años de duración.

b) Si es el arrendatario quien manifiesta tal voluntad, deberá notificarlo al arrendador al menos DOS MESES ANTES de que el contrato cumpla cinco años de duración.

Prorrogado el contrato por no haber manifestado ninguna de las partes su voluntad de no prorrogarlo (o por haber manifestado su voluntad fuera del plazo mencionado), podrá el arrendatario manifestar al arrendador con 2 MESES de antelación a la fecha de terminación de cualquiera de las anualidades su voluntad de no renovar el contrato.

In accordance with the provisions of article 11 of the Urban Leasing Law, the lessee may withdraw from the contract, once at least six months of lease have elapsed and provided that he notifies the lessor with a minimum of 60 days. In this case, the lessee will indemnify the lessor with an amount equivalent to 2 monthly payments of the rent in force for each year of the contract that he remains to fulfill, prorating the periods less than one year and indemnifying in proportion to the resulting proration.

It is expressly stated that if, after the first year of the contract, the lessor needs to occupy the property before the five-year period has passed in order to designate it as permanent housing for himself or his first-degree relatives or by adoption or for your spouse in the event of a final judgment of separation, divorce or marriage nullity, the lessor may make use of the capacity granted by the first paragraph of article 9.3 of the urban lease law, in the sense that he may prevent it from being extended obligatorily the contract. And this always and when the lessor complies with the requirement to notify the lessee of the cause or causes that motivate his request for non-mandatory extension and provided that such notification is made at least two months in advance of the date on which the housing if you need it.


Once the FIFTH YEAR of duration has been reached, the contract will be mandatorily extended by annual terms up to a maximum of THREE MORE YEARS if neither party has notified the other of their intention not to renew it within the following periods:

a) If it was the lessor who expressed said will, he must notify the lessee at least 2 MONTHS BEFORE the contract completes five years of duration.

b) If it is the lessee who manifests such a will, he must notify the lessor at least TWO MONTHS BEFORE the contract completes five years of duration.

If the contract has been extended because none of the parties have expressed their desire not to extend it (or because they have expressed their will outside of the aforementioned period), the lessee may notify the lessor 2 MONTHS in advance of the termination date of any of the annuities his will not to renew the contract.


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Una vez haya transcurrido el plazo de duración del contrato y, en su caso, de la prórroga legal correspondiente, el arrendatario deberá dejar a disposición del arrendador la totalidad de la vivienda cuyo uso se cede en este contrato en el mismo buen estado en que la recibió, exceptuando el desgaste que un uso normal de la vivienda pueda ocasionar por el paso del tiempo. Y ello sin necesidad de ningún requerimiento expreso dirigido al arrendador. Todo ello, salvo que las partes en su momento, lleguen a un acuerdo en cuanto a la formalización de un nuevo contrato de arrendamiento.


El arrendatario abonará al arrendador, en concepto de renta, la cantidad de
euros anuales, a pagar por mensualidades anticipadas de
euros cada una dentro de el primer día de cada mes, mediante ingreso o transferencia bancaria en el número de cuenta

El arrendatario hace entrega en este acto del primes mes de renta, sirviendo este documento como la más eficaz carta de pago.

El importe de la renta se actualizará por el arrendador en la fecha en la que se cumpla cada año de vigencia del contrato, actualizándose en función de las variaciones porcentuales del IPC publicado por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística en un periodo de doce meses inmediatamente anteriores a la fecha de cada actualización, tomándose como mes de referencia para la primera actualización el que corresponda al último índice que estuviera publicado en la fecha de celebración del contrato, y en las sucesivas el que corresponda al último aplicado.

La renta actualizada será exigible al arrendatario a partir del mes siguiente a aquél en que la arrendadora lo notifique a la arrendataria por escrito, expresando el porcentaje de alteración aplicado. A efectos de esta notificación, será válida la efectuada por nota en el recibo de la mensualidad del pago precedente.


Los gastos generales de comunidad de propietarios los pagará la parte arrendadora.


Será de cargo y cuenta del arrendatario llevar a cabo tanto con el Ayuntamiento como con las compañías de electricidad y telefonía, los respectivos contratos de suministro de agua, energía, electricidad y teléfono, así como el pago de los correspondientes recibos de estos consumos.


Once the duration of the contract and, where applicable, the corresponding legal extension has expired, the lessee must leave at the disposal of the lessor the entirety of the housing whose use is transferred in this contract in the same good condition when you received it, except for the wear and tear that normal use of the home can cause over time. And without the need for any express request addressed to the lessor. All of this, unless the parties at the time reach an agreement regarding the formalization of a new lease.


The lessee will pay the lessor, as rent, the amount of
euros annually, to be paid in advance monthly installments of
euros each within the first day of each month, by deposit or bank transfer in the account number

The tenant makes delivery in this act of the first month's rent, serving this document as the most effective letter of payment.

The amount of the rent will be updated by the lessor on the date on which each year of the contract is completed, updated based on the percentage changes in the CPI published by the National Institute of Statistics in a period of twelve months immediately preceding the date of each update, taking as the reference month for the first update the one that corresponds to the last index that was published on the date of the conclusion of the contract, and in the subsequent ones that corresponds to the last one applied.

The updated rent will be payable to the lessee from the month following the one in which the lessor notifies the lessee in writing, expressing the percentage of alteration applied. For the purposes of this notification, the one made by note on the receipt of the previous monthly payment will be valid.


The general expenses of the community of owners will be paid by the lessor.


It will be the lessee's charge and account to carry out both the City Council and the electricity and telephone companies, the respective water, energy, electricity and telephone supply contracts, as well as the payment of the corresponding receipts for these consumptions.


PAGE 5 OF 10.

Igualmente corresponde a la parte arrendataria el pago de los recibos que correspondan a la vivienda arrendada por el servicio de recogida de basura y tratamiento de residuos urbanos.

El pago del recibo del Impuesto de bienes inmuebles o contribución será a cargo de la parte arrendadora.


El arrendador está obligado a realizar, sin derecho a elevar por ello la renta, todas las reparaciones que sean necesarias para conservar la vivienda en las condiciones de habitabilidad para servir al uso convenido, salvo cuando el deterioro de cuya reparación se trate sea imputable al arrendatario a tenor de lo dispuesto en los artículos 1.563 y 1.564 del Código Civil.


Las pequeñas reparaciones que exija el desgaste por el uso ordinario de la vivienda serán de cargo del arrendatario.

A pesar de no tener la consideración de obra, se prohibe expresamente al arrendatario la realización de agujeros o perforaciones en las paredes del inmueble, descontándose de la fianza el importe que sea necesario para que las paredes recuperen su estado original en su caso.


Las partes se someten para regular lo relacionado con las obras de mejora a lo establecido en la ley de arrendamientos urbanos vigente al momento de la celebración del contrato.


El arrendatario no podrá realizar sin el consentimiento del arrendador, expresado por escrito, obras que modifiquen la configuración de la vivienda o del mobiliario, los trasteros, las plazas de garaje y cualesquiera otras dependencias, espacios arrendados o servicios cedidos como accesorios de la finca por el arrendador. En ningún caso el arrendatario podrá realizar obras que provoquen una disminución en la estabilidad o seguridad de la vivienda.

Sin perjuicio de la facultad de resolver el contrato, el arrendador que no haya autorizado la realización de las obras podrá exigir, al concluir el contrato, que el arrendatario reponga las cosas al estado anterior o conservar la modificación efectuada, sin que este pueda reclamar indemnización alguna.

It is also the responsibility of the lessee to pay the receipts that correspond to the rented house for the garbage collection and urban waste treatment service.

The payment of the real estate tax receipt or contribution will be borne by the lessor.


The lessor is obliged to carry out, without the right to raise the rent for it, all the repairs that are necessary to keep the house in habitable conditions to serve the agreed use, except when the deterioration whose repair is in question is imputable to the lessee in accordance with the provisions of articles 1,563 and 1,564 of the Civil Code.


Small repairs required by normal wear and tear of the home will be the responsibility of the lessee.

Despite not having the consideration of work, the lessee is expressly prohibited from making holes or perforations in the walls of the building, deducting from the bond the amount necessary for the walls to recover their original state in their case.


The parties submit to regulate what is related to the improvement works to what is established in the urban leases law in force at the time of the conclusion of the contract.


The lessee will not be able to carry out without the consent of the lessor, expressed in writing, works that modify the configuration of the house or the furniture, the storage rooms, the garage spaces and any other outbuildings, leased spaces or services provided as accessories to the property by the lessor Under no circumstances may the lessee carry out works that cause a decrease in the stability or security of the home.

Without prejudice to the power to terminate the contract, the lessor who has not authorized the completion of the works may demand, at the conclusion of the contract, that the lessee restore things to their previous state or keep the modification made, without this being able to claim compensation some.


PAGE 6 OF 10.

Si el arrendatario ha realizado unas obras que han provocado una disminución de la estabilidad de la edificación o de la seguridad de la vivienda o sus accesorios, el arrendador podrá exigir de inmediato del arrendatario la reposición de las cosas al estado anterior.


El arrendatario, previa notificación escrita al arrendador, podrá realizar en el interior de la vivienda aquellas obras o actuaciones necesarias para que pueda ser utilizada de forma adecuada y acorde a la discapacidad o a la edad superior a setenta años, tanto del propio arrendatario como de su cónyuge, de la persona con quien conviva de forma permanente en análoga relación de afectividad, con independencia de su orientación sexual, o de sus familiares que con alguno de ellos convivan de forma permanente, siempre que no afecten a elementos o servicios comunes del edificio ni provoquen una disminución en su estabilidad o seguridad.

El arrendatario estará obligado, al término del contrato, a reponer la vivienda al estado anterior, si así lo exige el arrendador.


La parte arrendataria hará entrega de las llaves del inmueble en la fecha de finalización del contrato o de la correspondiente prórroga. De realizar la entrega más tarde, el arrendatario abonará al arrendador el doble de la renta diaria existente al momento de la finalización del contrato o prórroga por cada día de retraso en la puesta a disposición de las llaves de la vivienda, en concepto de cláusula penal, además de todos los gastos directos e indirectos que dicho retraso genere de cara a la recuperación de la vivienda.

En caso de querer la parte arrendataria dar por finalizado el contrato dentro de los seis primeros meses de vigencia, habrá de indemnizar a la parte arrendadora con 6 mensualidades de renta.


La parte arrendataria se someterá durante toda la vigencia del contrato a las normas de la comunidad de propietarios, especialmente las relativas a la convivencia. Se prohibe expresamente la estancia de cualquier tipo de animal en la vivienda.


El inmueble no se podrá ceder ni subarrendar de forma parcial ni total por el arrendatario sin previo consentimiento por escrito del arrendador. El incumplimiento de esta cláusula será causa de resolución del contrato.

If the lessee has carried out works that have caused a decrease in the stability of the building or the security of the home or its accessories, the lessor may immediately require the lessee to restore things to their previous state.


The lessee, prior written notification to the lessor, may carry out in the interior of the house those necessary works or actions so that it can be used in an adequate way and in accordance with the disability or the age over seventy years, both of the lessee himself and of his spouse, of the person with whom he lives permanently in a similar emotional relationship, regardless of his sexual orientation, or of his family members who live permanently with any of them, as long as they do not affect common elements or services of the building or cause a decrease in its stability or security.

The lessee will be obliged, at the end of the contract, to restore the house to its previous state, if so required by the lessor.


The lessee will hand over the keys to the property on the date of completion of the contract or the corresponding extension. If the delivery is made later, the lessee will pay the lessor double the daily rent existing at the time of the end of the contract or extension for each day of delay in making the keys to the house available, as a penalty clause , in addition to all the direct and indirect costs that this delay generates for the recovery of the home.

If the lessee wants to terminate the contract within the first six months of its validity, it will have to indemnify the lessor with 6 monthly rent payments.


The lessee will submit throughout the term of the contract to the rules of the community of owners, especially those relating to coexistence. The stay of any type of animal in the house is expressly prohibited.


The property may not be transferred or sublet in whole or in part by the lessee without the prior written consent of the lessor. Failure to comply with this clause will be cause for termination of the contract.


PAGE 7 OF 10.


La parte arrendataria renuncia expresamente a los derechos de tanteo y retracto sobre la vivienda.


El arrendatario entrega en este acto al arrendador un total de
(igual a 2 meses de alquiler)
EUROS en concepto de fianza legal, para garantizar el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones derivadas del presente contrato.


Se constituye en fiador personal y solidario de las obligaciones dimanantes de este contrato de arrendamiento D/ña.
con DNI
y con domicilio en la ciudad de

El fiador se obliga a pagar o cumplir todas y cada una de las obligaciones del arrendatario en caso de incumplimiento por parte de éste, incluyendo los gastos judiciales establecidos en el artículo 1827 del Código Civil.

Manifiesta el fiador que su obligación será vinculante tanto durante el periodo contractual como durante las sucesivas prórrogas que pudieran producirse, del tipo que sean e, incluso, para el caso de tácita reconducción.

El fiador renuncia en este acto al beneficio de orden y al derecho de excusión, así como al derecho de división para el caso de que se tuviere que adicionar nuevo fiador al contrato.


Cualquiera de las partes podrá instar el registro del contrato de arrendamiento en el Registro de la Propiedad en el que se encuentre registrado el inmueble arrendado, siendo los gastos soportados por mitad si el registro es del interés de ambas partes y, no siendo así, por quien interese la inscripción.

Cualquiera de las partes podrá requerir a la otra, y ésta se obliga en este acto, a comparecer ante Notario y elevar a Escritura pública el presente contrato. Cualesquiera gastos, tributos o arbitrios que se ocasionen con tal motivo serán soportados por la parte que solicitó la elevación a público del contrato.


The lessee party expressly waives the rights of first refusal and retraction on the property.


In this act, the lessee delivers to the lessor a total of
(equal 2 months rent)
EUROS as a legal guarantee, to guarantee compliance with its obligations under this contract.


He becomes a personal and joint guarantor of the obligations arising from this lease contract Mr/Mrs.
with DNI
and domiciled in the city of
(street address)

The guarantor undertakes to pay or fulfill each and every one of the lessee's obligations in case of non-compliance by the lessee, including the court costs established in article 1827 of the Civil Code.

The guarantor declares that his obligation will be binding both during the contractual period and during the subsequent extensions that may occur, of whatever type they may be, and even for the case of tacit renewal.

The guarantor waives in this act the benefit of order and the right of excusion, as well as the right of division in the event that a new guarantor has to be added to the contract.


Any of the parties may request the registration of the lease contract in the Registry of Property in which the leased property is registered, the costs being borne by half if the registration is in the interest of both parties and, if not, by who is interested in registration.

Any of the parties may require the other, and the latter undertakes in this act, to appear before a notary public and make this contract a public deed. Any expenses, taxes or arbitrations that occur for this reason will be borne by the party that requested the public elevation of the contract.


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Las partes fijan como domicilio a efectos de las notificaciones derivadas de la relación contractual el que figura para cada uno de ellos en el encabezamiento del contrato. Deberán notificarse mutuamente una parte a la otra cualquier cambio que quieran realizar en este sentido.


La presente relación se regirá por el siguiente orden de prelación: de forma imperativa por los títulos I y IV de la Ley 29/1.994, de 24 de Noviembre, de Arrendamientos Urbanos (LAU); por los pactos, cláusulas y condiciones determinados por la voluntad de las partes en este contrato en el marco de lo establecido en el título II LAU; y supletoriamente por lo dispuesto en el Código Civil.


Los contratantes se someten expresamente a los Juzgados y Tribunales de la ciudad en la que se encuentra ubicado el inmueble, para todas aquellas cuestiones litigiosas que pudieran derivarse del mismo.

Y con el carácter expresado en la intervención, firman el presente contrato en el lugar y fecha indicados.





The parties fix as domicile for the purposes of the notifications derived from the contractual relationship the one that appears for each one of them in the heading of the contract. Each party must notify each other of any changes they wish to make in this regard.


This relationship will be governed by the following order of precedence: imperatively by Titles I and IV of Law 29/1,994, of November 24, on Urban Leases (LAU); by the pacts, clauses and conditions determined by the will of the parties in this contract in the framework of what is established in title II LAU; and additionally by the provisions of the Civil Code.


The contracting parties expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city in which the property is located, for all those litigious issues that could arise from it.

And with the character expressed in the intervention, they sign this contract in the place and date indicated.





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Información y medios permanentes de contacto para inquilinos y garantes.

Inquilino #1, nombre
____________________________________________________________, estado civil
____________________________________________________________, dirección permanente (no la dirección de la propiedad que se alquila)
____________________________________________________________,correo electrónico
____________________________________________________________, número de teléfono
____________________________________________________________, contacto de emergencia (nombre , número de teléfono y correo electrónico) ____________________________________________________________.

Inquilino #2, nombre
____________________________________________________________, estado civil
____________________________________________________________, dirección permanente (no la dirección de la propiedad que se alquila)
____________________________________________________________,correo electrónico
____________________________________________________________, número de teléfono
____________________________________________________________, contacto de emergencia (nombre , número de teléfono y correo electrónico) ____________________________________________________________.

Inquilino #3, nombre
____________________________________________________________, estado civil
____________________________________________________________, dirección permanente (no la dirección de la propiedad que se alquila)
____________________________________________________________,correo electrónico
____________________________________________________________, número de teléfono
____________________________________________________________, contacto de emergencia (nombre , número de teléfono y correo electrónico) ____________________________________________________________.

Fiador #1, nombre
estado civil
____________________________________________________________,correo electrónico
____________________________________________________________,número de teléfono

Fiador #2, nombre
estado civil
____________________________________________________________,correo electrónico
____________________________________________________________,número de teléfono

Fiador #3, nombre
____________________________________________________________,estado civil
____________________________________________________________,correo electrónico
____________________________________________________________,número de teléfono


Information and permanent methods of contact for tenants and guarantors.

Tenant #1, name
marital status
permanent address (not the address of the property being leased)
phone number
emergency contact (name, phone number and email)

Tenant #2, name
marital status
permanent address (not the address that is subject of this lease)
phone number
emergency contact (name, phone number and email)

Tenant #3, name
marital status
permanent address (not the address that is subject of this lease)
phone number
emergency contact (name, phone number and email)

Guarantor #1, name
marital status
phone number

Guarantor #2, name
marital status
phone number

Guarantor #3, name
marital status
phone number


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Starting date of the lease is
This is the date the tenant receives possession of the property, the lease term starts and the rent payment is owed for.

Lessee will receive keys and possession of the property (check in) at noon on the first day of the lease, or later, but not earlier. The lessee must return the keys and possession of the property at noon on the last day of the lease, or earlier, but not later.

Lessee must immediately transfer utility contracts to their name and bank account and keep the contracts on and paid during their tenancy and providing 14 days after their tenancy for the lessor or new tenant to transfer the contracts to themselves. Lessee must provide copies of latest bills and anything else necessary to transfer the utility contracts.

Lessee is required to be aware of and complete the process related to government taxes that may arise from this rental agreement, including but not limited to the ITP. Lessee must provide lessor documentation proving the completion of such government requirements within allowed time frames, in the case of the ITP it is 30 days from the contract date. No amount of the rental security deposit will be returned until the lessee proves all their obligations to the government have been met.

60 days notice is the standard time required for lessee to cancel, renew or otherwise change the lease agreement. In the event that said notice has not been given within the agreed time, the compensation to be paid to the lessor will be the amount equivalent to one month's rent.

After the initial lease term and with 60 days notice the lessor may cancel the contract to posses the property for their personal use. In that case, the tenant will be obliged to deliver the property within said period without this generating the right to any compensation from the lessor.

During the 60 days prior to the termination of this Agreement or any of its extensions, the Tenant authorizes the Landlord and/or the person appointed by him to show the Property to any person interested in renting it in the future, giving the Tenant reasonable notice of 24 hours.

After the tenant moves out the owner will within a reasonable amount of time, typically 60 days, summarize any charges to be made against the tenant’s security deposit and refund any money owed or seek payment for additional damages.


Monthly rent payments must be paid as a single transfer from one account. If there are multiple tenants they may not make separate transfers. Separate transfers will result in the lessor indemnifying the owner by paying a penalty amount the sama as the penalty for late rent.

Monthly rent payments after the first day of the month are late. Late rent is cause for the landlord to evict the tenant. If the rent is not received on the 1st day of the month for which it is due, the landlord will immediately notify the tenant and hire a lawyer to start the eviction process.

If the tenant pays the rent after the due date but within 30 days of the due date the landlord may accept the payment but the tenant will need to indemnify the landlord by paying additional rent payment equivalent to 10% of the monthly rent, plus all legal costs incurred by starting the eviction process. This indemnity is in addition to any other obligations of this lease agreement.

(From OCU contract clause 5).

Consequences of non-payment of rent or amounts assimilated to rent. The lack of payment and the delay in the payment, both of the rent and of the rest of the amounts due, are considered express causes for the termination of this contract. The lessee is obliged in such a case to immediately return the property to the lessor.

It is expressly agreed that the rent owed and not paid will generate an annual default interest equivalent to the legal interest of the money plus two points. All expenses derived from a judicial or extrajudicial claim for non-compliance will be borne by the debtor party.

The Lessor informs the Lessee that in the event of non-payment of rent or amounts assimilated to rent, their personal data may be transferred to files for the evaluation of equity and credit solvency and common files for the management and prevention of fraud.


(From OCU contract clause 9).

The lessee acknowledges the veracity and certainty of the inventory of the furniture of the house related to the end of the contract, and undertakes to return possession of the house and all the furniture when appropriate, in its entirety and in perfect condition state of conservation.

The condition of the deposit that is delivered at the signing ceremony is agreed as a guarantee of compliance with this obligation, and the lessee also undertakes to deliver to the owner the amount of the damage caused that exceeds this amount.

In particular, the lessee undertakes to facilitate, at the end of the contract, the procedures to modify the ownership of the supplies, responding for the damages that may be caused to the lessor, for example, by canceling any of the contracts without the written agreement of the landlord.


Walls contain water pipes and electrical wires. Puncturing the wall can cause serious danger to person in the case of electrical wires and serious physical damage to property in the case of water pipes, possibly both.

For clarification purposes, the Tenant must carry out all those repairs necessary for the maintenance and proper functioning of the appliances and/or furniture of the Property when the damages have been caused by the Tenant or its occupants, either due to negligent use or due to wear and tear derived from the habitual and diligent use of said elements. Consequently, the Tenant declares to know the state of the electrical appliances and/or furniture at the time of delivery of the Property.

The lessee is directly and exclusively responsible for any liability for damages caused to people or things that derive from negligence or misuse of the facilities for services and supplies of the leased home for which it undertakes in this act to contract Home insurance or civil liability for tenants for capital and sufficient coverage to cover any damage to third parties or things.

Lessees is required to have a renters insurance policy for the property during the entire lease period until the property is returned to the lessors possession. Lessee must provide copy of policy to the lessor. Minimum insurance requirements are:
1) 3,000 continent, 10,00 content, 15,000 civil.
2) Appliances and pets must be insured.
3) Include atmospheric and first risk coverage.